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  • Catalog
  • species
  • GenePPD
  • SamplesSerum, Plasma , tissue homogenates,Cell culture supernates,Other biological fluids.
  • Intended UseMouse PPD ELISA Kit allows for the in vitro quantitative determination of PPD , concentrations in serum, Plasma , tissue homogenates and Cell culture supernates and Other biological fluids.
  • StorageFor 5-7days:Store the whole kit at 4℃
    For a Long time :Store the Substrate at 4℃, other reagent should store at -20℃.
  • Product Description
    Principle of the assay: The kit uses a double-antigen sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to analyze the existence or not of Mouse PPD in samples. Add sample to wells pre-coated with one Mouse Tuberculin antibody, at same time add HRP-conjugated Mouse Tuberculin antibody to bind the analyte, followed by incubation and washing procedures to remove unbound substance. Finally, HRP substrates are added, incubated for detection, and a blue color is developed. Reaction is stopped and color turns to yellow when Stopping Solution (acidic) is added. The existence or not of Mouse PPD in the samples is then determined by comparing the O.D. of the samples to the CUT OFF.

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